Monday, January 22, 2007

MLK Monday!

It's been a few weeks since I've last posted. I'm still recovering from the Buckeyes and Cowboys for tanking it when it mattered in critical games. My apologies to to my Brother for being probably the only being on this Earth to frequent my blog. That's all good w/ me though. This blog is as much for me to keep a listing of interesting experiences in The Motherland, as it is for peeps back at home to keep an eye out on me.

Well, as most Americans celebrated another holiday w/ a day-off, I again spent it working. MLK Day came and went (as did Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day) w/ me in the office as Vietnam doesn't celebrate the great accomplishments of this man. I started it off however w/ a tribute to Dr. King by playing The Boys, "Crazy Dream", a nice little jam from back in the day! I doubt if anyone even remembers that one...I'm as old school as it gets, so I don't expect you to know it! But if you do...count yourself in as a connoisseur of old school hip-hop!

That's all for now...I promise to post again in a few hours as I originally wrote this draft about a week ago!


1 comment:

  1. Yo JEROME!!! Just so you knowww...I check up on you every once inna blue we were on a road trip to Vegas last weekend & I couldnt help but think you as I sang..Mr. Dobalina. Mr. Bob Dobalina Mr. Dobalina Mr. Bob Dobalina! & then proceeded to sing Amadaeus amadaeus. Just thought you might like to know...
