Monday, December 24, 2007

A Merry Christmas to us all!

May the joys of this Christmas Season and the anticipation of the New Year bring you and your family abundant blessings of peace, happiness, and good fortune.

While this holiday season brings us many gifts, let us not forget the one gift that made this all possible!

I will be spending my second Christmas at work. In fact I'm at work now and it's Christmas Eve! I will go home and attend evening Mass..then Dinner w/ friends and family. Christmas Mass at 6AM and then off to work again. What a great country Vietnam is! The Communists really know how to have fun!



  1. I'm sorry you have to spend Xmas at work, but wait until Tet, you'll then how the Communists know how to have fun, haha :D

  2. Merry Christmas.
    Thank you for your e-mail.
    Riona is fifteen years old.
    He will have high school examination.
    Syusaku works at "private train Keihan company".
    Thank you .
    After 6days Happy new year.

  3. oh,sorry.
    mikiko send prefer mail.

  4. Hey J! I just got your text... MERRY XMAS! i did a bit of work too today, so you're not alone. Have a great New Years! I hope you start your NY off with a bang bang boogie!
